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Plus500US Futures Technologies
A Good-Til-Canceled (GTC) Order is entered with the New Order Single (Tag 35=D) message. Following are the most relevant tags to build a GTC Order.

Tag 40=2OrdTypeSpecifier of Limit Order Type
Tag 44PriceLimit Price
Tag 59=1TimeInForceSpecifier of the Good-Til-Cancelled characteristic
Tag 48SecurityIDMarket for which the order is sent
Tag 55SymbolContract for which the order is sent
Tag 207SecurityExchangeExchange for which the order is sent
Tag 167SecurityTypeSecurity Type (e.g. Futures) of this specific market


In this example, the order is submitted for a limit price (Tag 44) of 65950 or better. As it is a buy order, a better price indicates a price lower than 65950. By setting Time-In-Force (Tag 59) to 1, the GTC order is defined. It is open across multiple trading sessions until it is canceled, filled by the market or expired.

GTC Limit Order
[FIXNEWORDER] 34=8|49=T4Example|56=T4|50=TraderName|52=20130222-15:51:44.315|1=Account1|11=fn-634971235043159226|48=CME_20130300_ZCH3|55=ZC|207=CME_C|54=1|38=1|40=2|44=65950|59=1|167=FUT|21=1|60=20130222-15:51:44.315|204=0|
[MsgSeqNum] 34 = 8
[SenderCompID] 49 = T4Example
[TargetCompID] 56 = T4
[SenderSubID] 50 = TraderName
[SendingTime] 52 = 20130222-15:51:44.315
[Account] 1 = Account1
[ClOrdID] 11 = fn-634971235043159226
[SecurityID] 48 = CME_20130300_ZCH3
[Symbol] 55 = ZC
[SecurityExchange] 207 = CME_C
[Side] 54 = 1 (BUY)
[OrderQty] 38 = 1
[OrdType] 40 = 2 (LIMIT)
[Price] 44 = 65950
[TimeInForce] 59 = 1 (GOOD_TILL_CANCEL)
[SecurityType] 167 = FUT (FUTURE)
[TransactTime] 60 = 20130222-15:51:44.315
[CustomerOrFirm] 204 = 0 (CUSTOMER)

GTC Order Response
[fixexecutionreport] 34=297|49=T4|56=T4Example|50=T4FIX|52=20130222-15:51:44.752|143=UK|1=Account1|11=fn-634971235043159226|17=48018.7016186076_ZCH3.6349712350605100006.1.BDB2042E|150=0|37=BDB2042E-2811-4470-9FD3-4C36CBC19FA9|39=0|48=CME_20130300_ZCH3|55=ZC|207=CME_C|200=201303|59=1|107=Corn Mar13|54=1|167=FUT|38=1|40=2|44=65950|60=20130222-15:51:46.051|21=1|204=0|
[MsgSeqNum] 34 = 297
[SenderCompID] 49 = T4
[TargetCompID] 56 = T4Example
[SenderSubID] 50 = T4FIX
[SendingTime] 52 = 20130222-15:51:44.752
[TargetLocationID] 143 = UK
[Account] 1 = Account1
[ClOrdID] 11 = fn-634971235043159226
[ExecID] 17 = 48018.7016186076_ZCH3.6349712350605100006.1.BDB2042E
[ExecType] 150 = 0 (NEW)
[OrderID] 37 = BDB2042E-2811-4470-9FD3-4C36CBC19FA9
[OrdStatus] 39 = 0 (NEW)
[SecurityID] 48 = CME_20130300_ZCH3
[Symbol] 55 = ZC
[SecurityExchange] 207 = CME_C
[MaturityMonthYear] 200 = 201303
[TimeInForce] 59 = 1 (GOOD_TILL_CANCEL)
[SecurityDesc] 107 = Corn Mar13
[Side] 54 = 1 (BUY)
[SecurityType] 167 = FUT (FUTURE)
[OrderQty] 38 = 1
[OrdType] 40 = 2 (LIMIT)
[Price] 44 = 65950
[TransactTime] 60 = 20130222-15:51:46.051
[CustomerOrFirm] 204 = 0 (CUSTOMER)

Further details on the tags used for this order type are described in the dictionary of the New Order Single message.

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