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The Account Board’s column layout is fully customizable. Drag the column header to move, drag the column header side border to resize, and click the column header to resort.

Moving Columns


Move a column within the grid by dragging the column header with your pointer or mouse.

  1. Click and hold the left mouse down on the desired column header. A vertical like will be drawn indicating where the column will be inserted.
  2. With the left mouse button still down drag the column left or right. The vertical bar will move between columns indicating where the column will be inserted.
  3. Let the mouse button up when the desired location is reached.

Resizing Columns


Resize the width of a column within the grid by dragging with your pointer or mouse.

  1. Click and hold the left mouse down on the right border of the column header you want to resize.
  2. With the left mouse button still down drag the mouse right or left. A bar will appear indicating the new width of the column.
  3. Let the mouse button up when the desired width is reached.

Sorting Columns


Click on a column header to sort the grid. Click again to reverse the sort.

Note: not all grids can be sorted.

ImageDescending order.
ImageAscending order.

Trade how you want, where you want

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