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The Fast Board's column layout is fully customizable. Drag the column header to move, drag the column header side border to resize. The below columns can be added or removed by going to the Fast Board Properties.


To configure how you want to filter or sort these categories you do that by going to the main properties window under Options>Fast Board > Views.

  • Activity Level Displays the number of sides present in the market. A market with a bid and offer will show 2, a one-sided market will show 1, and a market without a bid or offer will be blank.
  • AVPT Show the average volume per trade (AVPT) on the Fast Board. AVPT is determined by dividing total traded volume (TTV) by total trade count (TTC).
  • Bid Shows the current bid prices of the option on the board. Left clicking on the bid will bring up a buy price prompt.
  • Bid Edge Edge for the bid is the difference between the theoretical price and bid price. Left clicking on the offer edge will bring up a sell price prompt.
  • Bid Volume Displays the current best bid size of the selected market. Left clicking in the bid volume will bring up a sell price prompt.
  • Delta The net delta of the strategy.
  • Excahnge Template The strategy type as determined by the exchange, i.e. vertical, butterfly, iron condor, etc.
  • Gamma The change to the delta given a one tick change to the future's price.
  • Last Trade The last price traded in each market.
  • Last Trade Time The time of the last trade in each market.
  • Last Trade Volume The volume of the last trade in each market.
  • Market DescriptionThe contract month(s) and strike(s) being quoted.
  • NetEdge The difference in ticks between the theoretical value and the bid/offer price, whichever is better.
  • NetEdge$ The difference in dollars between the theoretical value and the bid/offer price, whichever is better.
  • OEG(Gamma based option equivalence) Equivalent number of ATM (at the money) options based on Gamma. This expresses gamma in terms of number of ATM options.
  • OET (Theta based option equivalence) Equivalent number of ATM (at the money) options based on Theta. This expresses theta in terms of number of ATM options.
  • OEV (Vega based option equivalence) Equivalent number of ATM (at the money) options based on Vega. This expresses vega in terms of number of ATM options.
  • Offer Shows the current offer prices of the strategy on the board. Left clicking on the offer will bring up a sell price prompt.
  • Offer Edge Edge for the offer is the difference between the theoretical price and offer price. Left clicking on the offer edge will bring up a buy price prompt.
  • Offer VolumeDisplays the current best bid size of the selected market. Left clicking in the offer volume will bring up a buy price prompt.
  • Template The strategy type as determined by T4, i.e. spread, fly, iron condor, etc.
  • Theoretical The theoretical value of the strategy. Left clicking in the theoretical value will open a contract window for the strategy. Note if it does not show a value but instead says create a series or configure Months vols simply right click on the market and choose model management to create a series or configure the months vols.
  • Theta The change in ticks to the strategy’s extrinsic value (time premium) given a 1 day change to days to expiry.
  • Theta$ The change in dollars to the strategy’s extrinsic value (time premium) given a 1 day change to days to expiry.
  • TTC Show the total trade count (TTC) for the day on the Fast Board
  • TTV Show the total trade volume (TTV) for the day on the Fast Board.
  • Vega The change in ticks to the options extrinsic value (time premium) given a 1% change to volatility.
  • Vega$ The change in dollars to the options extrinsic value (time premium) given a 1% change to volatility.
  • Weighted Delta The net weighted delta of the strategy.

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- Fast board columns2.jpg 85.98 KB
- fast Main columns.png 36.71 KB

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