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The Contract History window is available for Advanced Data & Charting users that displays all the trades occurring in a specific commodity.

To open up the Contract History click on the New Items Menu on the main window and select 'contract History', then select the contract that you want. You can either select the all tab which will display all trades in the selected contract or you can select a specific month.


RFQ's appear in the contract history. They appear as black lines, with Type of 'RFQ' with no price or volume. They can be turned off in the contract history properties.

Tip: The contract history window will now pull trade data for the entire trading session, up to 1 million lines of trades. This allows you to see what traded overnight, whether you were logged in or not.

Tip: you can right click on a market which will bring up a dialog to either clear out the trades or you can select trade which will bring up a trading ladder.


ALL+Related Tab

'All+Related' tab can show trades from multiple related contracts on the same window Open from the future, e.g. Corn Future (ZC) and it will show the Corn futures trades plus all the related Corn options including weeklies and short dated. Open from the main option e.g. Corn Option (OZC) and it will show the Corn option trades plus all related Corn options including weeklies and short dated. Tab appears in a drop down list underneath the 'All' tab.


Tip: Located in the Contract History properties under the ticker tab. Volume Highlighting Set a trade volume that will highlight the background for trades that exceed that volume.


The contract history window now offers new columns for Options Pro users only. These include a "volatility initiator" column, a "trade volatility difference" column, and multiple vega measurement columns. These new columns can show whether the trade aggressor bought or sold volatility in each trade, as well as whether the volatility level of the trade is over or under your own volatility level and by how much. This can be helpful in determining how different trades are moving volatility in a market in real time. These columns can be added from the properties menu of the contract history window, and are found under the "theoretical" section in the columns tab.

To see Net Edge and other Theoretical values on the Contract History window as trades occur. Select the columns you want to see from the Contract History window properties.


Tip: Net Edge shows only if there is an edge to your theoretical price. You can set filters to show or highlight Net Edge values on the Contract History properties window.

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