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Original text

The Market History window lists trades as they occur for the current market. Each trade will have a price, volume, and time. The color of the text indicates whether it was a bid or offer that completed the trade (second half of the trade).

Switch between market months by using the market tab at the top of the Market History window.

To open a new Market History window, Click the Market History option from the Main window’s New Items Menu.


  1. Properties: Brings up the properties for the Market History.
  2. New Screen drop down: Brings up a contract window, a new chart, a second market history window, or an account contract window.
  3. Strategy Activation: Click here to choose how many contract months and which strategies you want to display in the market history window.
  4. View Tabs: Displays different months.
  5. Red Font: Indicates selling the bid.
  6. Black Font Indicates an implied spread trade or a trade that could not be determined if it was initiated by a buy or a sell.
  7. Blue Font Indicates the lifting of the offer.
  8. Ticker: lists trades as they occur for the current market.
  9. Vol: Will display a chart of the total traded volume by price for the day and the recently traded prices similar to those existing columns on the contract window.
  Name Size
- Ma History.PNG 99.91 KB
- Market History.PNG 59.38 KB
- MH-Markethistorymain.png 7.66 KB

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