Our Option Board allows you view and trade any exchange hosted outright options You can either add options markets to a Quote Board, open them in a Contract Window or use the new Option Board window. To open an Option Board window select Option Board from the new item menu and select the contract you want.
Quotes are displayed with best bid price and volume in blue, best offer price and volume in red, and last traded price and volume in green. Many additional Columns are available in Quote Board Properties.
The Option Board also allows you to submit orders by clicking the bid and offer columns. Clicking a bid or offer price will open an
Order Ticket ready to join the best bid or offer. Clicking a bid or offer volume will open an Order Ticket ready to hit the best bid or offer.
TIP:Calls are on the left and puts on the right and the strike is in the middle.
Across the top of the option board window is the list of months available.
Columns can be added and removed from within the properties

of the option board you can add or remove columns. In the advanced section you can add things like Open interest, days remaining, settlement, Expiry date etc...
TIP:Located in the option Board properties is the display tab this will allow you to give your window a unique name, adjust the font or you can save the window as a default which saves your layout changes to this window and will apply it to an option strategy board for a different product.
To pull up a trading ladder simply right click on the market you want in the image above I am right clicking on the May 400P a menu comes up and I can select trade contract to bring up a trading ladder. If I would have right clicked on the left side it would have brought up a May 400C.
On the option board you can pre-set a quantity for quicker order entry located in the image above whatever quantity you set that will be in place when pulling up a ladder or order ticket.
The option board will display the underlying month with the current bid, last trade and the offer price.