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The Option Strategy Board displays all exchange supported option strategy markets. Whenever a new strategy is created as soon as the exchange lists it we will automatically pick it up and display it. To create or define your own option strategies the Options Pro Package is required. You can open a new option strategy board from teh main window's new item menu.

TIP:The Option strategy boards column layout is fully customizable. Drag the column header to move, drag the column header side border to resize, and click the column header to resort. Only the contract header is sortable.


Quotes are displayed with best bid price and volume in blue, best offer price and volume in red, and last traded price and volume in green. Many additional Columns are available in Quote Board Properties.

The Strategy Board also allows you to submit orders by clicking the bid and offer columns. Clicking a bid or offer price will open an Order Ticket ready to join the best bid or offer. Clicking a bid or offer volume will open an Order Ticket ready to hit the best bid or offer.


Across the top of the strategies window is the list of months available and to the right of each month is a drop down arrow that will give you a list of all the strategies available for that month.

Columns can be added and removed from within the propertiesImage of the option strategy board you can add or remove columns. In the advanced section you can add things like Open interest, days remaining, settlement, Expiry date etc...

TIP:Located in the Strategy Boards properties is the display tab this will allow you to give your window a unique name, adjust the font or you can save the window as a default which saves your layout changes to this window and will apply it to an option strategy board for a different product.

Since these are all the exchange supported option strategies sometimes the exchange will close the market due to inactivity and the mode will display expired. If you have the Advanced data package you can right click on the expired market and select RFQ which will send a message to the exchange to open the market. If the exchange accepts it then the market mode will change to open.


From this right click you can also select trade contract which will bring up a trading ladder of that strategy.

If you have the options pro package you will also be able to send this strategy to the Option Strategy solver or save it to your the saved strategies window.

TIP: Notice the 300C+(300P) shows expired in the above picture. We used the right click RFQ to send a message to the exchange and the market is now open in the screen shot below.


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