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Now you can enter more advanced order types using our New Order Templates. The Order templates can be enabled from the main properties located in the Contract Tab.


  • All order templates apply to a single account and a single market.
  • A template is defined with respect to one side of the market. If the template is used on the other side of the market the definition or order relationship will be reversed.
  • You can enter multiple combinations up to 16 legs.
  • There are 3 types of order templates. Batch Orders, Multi-Exit OCOs, and Slicer.

Standard Batch Orders

The purpose of a batch order is to simplify repeated patterns in order submission. A batch order template defines a relationship of multiple orders with differing relative prices and quantities. Execute a batch order template with a single click. The collection of orders defined by the batch will be submitted to the exchange.

Multi Exit-OCO

The purpose of a multi-exit OCO is to create a relationship of orders designed to get an account into a position and then make it flat with a predefined set of profit targets and loss limits. Execute a Multi-exit OCO with a single click. A single trigger order for entering into a position is submitted to the exchange. The trigger order can be any order type (market, limit, stop, etc.) The rest of the orders defined in the template form the OCO scheme. The OCO orders are held on T4 server contingent on the trigger order filling. To successfully define a multi-exit OCO template one must have defined OCO orders above, below and opposite the trigger order. As the trigger order partially fills the OCO orders will be released to the exchange in the appropriate quantities. If either side of the OCO fills the remaining portion of the trigger order is canceled and the OCO remains working with the intention of getting the account out of the position entered into by the trigger order. As OCO orders fill, quantities of the remaining OCO orders are reduced appropriately until the multi-exit OCO completes with a net zero position. Quantities of OCO orders are reduced furthest from the trigger order fill price first. It is possible to exit the position by filling both stop and limit OCO orders.


The Slicer splits one large order into multiple smaller orders that are submitted over a span of time. The number of smaller orders, or slices, that are submitted is configurable, as is the span of time over which these orders are submitted. Randomization can be applied to both the quantity of and time between each slice to mask the common origin of slices. All orders are considered separate, with separate order IDs, are held on CTS servers until their individual designated submission times.

Click a link below for a walk through on how to use each Order Type.

Multi Exit OCO Orders getting started
Batch Orders getting started
Slicer getting started

  Name Size
- order template main.png 23.91 KB
- template.png 9.75 KB

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