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The Quote Board displays quotes for multiple contracts horizontally. The most common columns are visible by default. Each market will be listed under its corresponding exchange and contract. The market will have a month, market mode, net change, and quotes. You can change the month displayed by clicking the market month and selecting a month from the dropdown. Only the current quote row will be affected. Market mode is an indication of the current market status. A green “Open” status means the contract is ready for trading, if the market is closed or unavailable then the status will be red; orange indicates a pre-open or pre-close state. The net change for the trading day is displayed in red if the market has moved down and blue if the market has moved up. Quotes are displayed with best bid price and volume in blue, best offer price and volume in red, and last traded price and volume in green. Many additional Columns are available in Quote Board Properties.

The Quote Board also allows you to submit orders by clicking the bid and offer columns. Clicking a bid or offer price will open an Order Ticket ready to join the best bid or offer. Clicking a bid or offer volume will open an Order Ticket ready to hit the best bid or offer.

To open a new Quote Board, click Quote Board option from the Main window’s New Item Menu.


  1. Properties Brings up the properties for the Quote Board
  2. Print Allows you to Print, save to clipboard, or copy the account board to excel.
  3. Add Contract Button Opens up the contract picker window which allow you to add and delete contracts
  4. Strategy Activation Click here to choose how many contract months and which strategies you want to display in the market picker when selecting new markets.
  5. Sort Lock Locks the columns and does not allow you to sort them.
  6. DDE Link Enables dynamic streaming of data into Excel. Click the DDE button to make a copy of the current quote board as DDE links. Open an Excel spreadsheet and paste. Market data will begin streaming to the Excel spreadsheet.
  7. Comparison Chart The Quoteboard can be toggled between a grid and chart display.
  8. Tabs Clicking the Green Plus allows you to have multiple tabs on your quote board to easily toggle between different markets on your quote board. You are allowed a maximum of 8 tabs per quote board.
  9. Columns Columns to display. You can add or remove the columns in the Order Book Properties
  Name Size
- QB Main Numbers2.png 11.88 KB
- QB MainNumbers (1).png 29.57 KB
- QB MainNumbers.png 15.75 KB
- Quote Board option.PNG 58.75 KB
- Quote Board.PNG 124.51 KB

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