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Original text

Original text

An OCO (One Cancels Other or Order Cancels Order) consists of a buy limit order below the market and a buy stop order above the market, or a sell limit order above the market and a sell stop order below the market. When one gets filled the other is cancelled. If one is partially filled then the volume on the other is reduced accordingly.


  1. To enter an OCO left click on the OCO option and the color will turn orange.
  2. Two blank boxes will be displayed under the order types. One to display an L for limit and one to display an S for stop.


  1. In this example clicking in the bid column will populate the box with your limit price.
  2. In this example clicking in the bid column will populate the box with your stop price.
  3. Clicking the submit button will submit the selected limit and stop OCO order.
  4. Clicking the TKT button will bring up a New OCO revison box that will allow you to make changes to your oco before submitting the oco.


  1. You will see both orders in the My B or My O columns. If you get filled on one side of this order the other will cancel automatically. If you want to cancel both orders just click on one of them and both will cancel.


You can confirm your OCO orders in the All, or Working tab of your Order Book.

Helpful Videos

  Name Size
- OCO enable.png 7.00 KB
- OCO ob submit.png 6.62 KB
- OCO slect s l (1).png 40.82 KB
- OCO submit.png 11.92 KB

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