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Plus500US Futures Technologies

Limit orders are the default order type and are working in the market as soon as they are submitted. If a limit order trades it will be filled at the limit price or better.


  1. Make sure the chart trading is enabled.
  2. Tap here to bring up the menu to set a volume greater than zero.
  3. Limit orders are the default order type and it is always enabled unless a different order type is selected.
  4. To enter an order on the chart Tap in the red Offer column at the desired price for a sell order, and tap in the Blue bid column for a buy order. If you tap on an offer row below the current best bid price then your order will be filled at the best available price. If you tap in the bid column above the best offer price then your order will be filled at the best available price.

When submitting an order into the chart there are different prompts you can enable. For this example we went to the Tap2Trade Settings and set the order confirmation to Prompt.The prompt is handy as it lets you confirm the order details before submission.

We tapped in the bid column to buy 1 ES @ 2609.75 and the prompt comes up to confirm before submitting.


Now the order is working and visible on the chart and is indicated with a blue circle and a line. They are also numbered so you can keep track of your orders. If this had been a sell the order would have been colored red. If you tap on the order you will be given the details and there is an Image inside the order details, this x allows you to cancel the selected order.


To revise an order you can long press on the circle and swipe up or down depending which way you wish to revise your order. You will notice that after you long press the order a popup will let you know that you can drag to the right to cancel the revision and leave the order working at the original price.


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Limit Order on Charts
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  Name Size
- Cancel limit.png 24.63 KB
- Chart trading overview2.PNG 14.45 KB
- Limit Prompt.png 17.58 KB
- Revise limit.png 13.63 KB

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