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Plus500US Futures Technologies
To enable trading on the chart tap the chart trading icon.


All of the Order Confirmation settings are located in the Tap 2 Trade category:


The charts contain a tool bar at the top that behaves the same way as the ladder.


  • You can select a quantity by taping on the qty box a number picker will come up to pick a quantity. Once the Qty is selected you can tap in the bid column for a buy and offer column for a sell. By default all orders are limit orders.
  • The Trailing(T), GTC, Stop (S),Stop limit(SL) and Market(M) buttons are now a single drop-down button.
  • The market position is now laid out horizontally and UPL and RPL are now options to display there as well (very last settings in Tap 2 Trade). Additionally, the market positions can just be hidden altogether if someone wants the screen space.

If you tap the order indicator on the chart it will change to full detail:


The full detail goes away after a few seconds, or when other interaction happens on the chart.

If there are multiple order indicators overlapping, tap in that area and it will cycle to the next.

Long-press drag to revise an order just like the ladder.

Cancel orders using the cancel button on the full order detail.

TIP: If you adjust the price scale in trading mode (zoom or scroll it), the depth will not display until the scale is returned to automatic mode.

Logging In
Getting Around
Contract Window
Switching Accounts
Configuring Charts
Add and Remove Studies
Scrolling and Zooming
Trading from Charts
Limit Order on Charts
Stop Order on Charts
  Name Size
- Cancel orders (1).png 23.30 KB
- Enable Chart.png 11.99 KB
- Order toolbar.png 11.15 KB
- Tap2Trade.png 5.58 KB

Trade how you want, where you want

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