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Plus500US Futures Technologies
Add contracts to the quote board by selecting the + “Add Contract” button at the top of the screen. This will bring up the list of available exchanges. You can either type the symbol or name of the product you want in the search or scroll and tab the exchange to open the list of products in that exchange. The nearest expiry market for the selected contract is added to the quote board.

Tip: Long-press a market to open an option menu.


Select “Change Market” button to open the Market Picker. Select “Add Next Expiry” to add the next expiry month for the contract directly after this one. To remove the row from the quote board select the “Remove” button.

The quote board supports multiple pages. A page indicator appears near the top of the screen to indicate which page you are on. To change between pages swipe from left to right or click the Quote Manager Menu. To manage your Quote pages you can click the Quote Manager Menu located at the top left of the screen. This will bring up The quotes menu, from there select the Manage pages to edit your pages.


Tip: On the Manage Pages window tapping the "-" red minus will delete that page. You can also tap on a row to bring up a menu which allows you to Open the selected Quote page, Copy it, Rename, or delete. Clicking Cancel will not apply any changes.


Logging In
Getting Around
Contract Window
Switching Accounts
Configuring Charts
Add and Remove Studies
Scrolling and Zooming
Trading from Charts
Limit Order on Charts
Stop Order on Charts

Trade how you want, where you want

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